Community Crunches Collection


Get a detailed collection of all the necessary information you need to start with Intrinzen crunches and an abundance of example videos put together for you by the Intrinzen community - for free!


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Before you begin to dive into the videos or whenever you want to come back to refresh your knowledge, here you can find the basics of the crunches in written form:

The comprehensive "Intrinzen Crunches - Starting Guide" (available also as a downloadable PDF in English as well as other languages), plus the two add-ons "Movement Autonomy" and "How We Click & Treat".

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How to start

For you we brought together some exemplary beginners sessions. They might not look fancy and they might not look like much at all, but they are a real representation of what crunches can look like in the beginning. This is to encourage you that if we could do it, you and your horse can do it, too!

Keeping it variable

One of the most important things when starting crunches, but also with advanced horses, is to always keep it variable. Every crunch is supposed to look different, even if just a teeny-tiny bit, so that neither horse nor human get stuck in a habit that is hard to break. Variability applies to the way the body moves within the crunch, but also to the way the crunch is built into the environment. This category helps you stay fluid. 

How to proceed

Once the horse understands the idea of the variable weight shift back, you can start challenging them further to get the crunch more functional. This includes new environmental opportunities and constraints, such as the very popular seesaw or pedestal, but also added weight, which can transfer to riding.

Crunches stories

Crunches are not just a simple exercise, they can literally change a horse's body and mind! Watch some of our community members tell their horse's hero's journey related to crunches.

More inspiration

Because our horses' ideas are never-ending: This is an extra category for everything that does not fit the basic pattern. If just for the chaotic fun of it or to draw even more ideas for your own crunch practice, here you can find a wide variety of anything related to crunches.

Get access to the Community Crunches Collection

Get three introductory chapters including a PDF and tons of video material as inspiration to start (or continue on) your own journey to the Intrinzen crunches with your horse.

While you're here

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Watch complete horse training sessions by members of the Intrinzen community - for free!

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